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How To Become A Transport Manager

Transport managers play a very important role in the transport industry, often having to bear the responsibility of looking after a company’s fleet of vehicles and ensuring everything is in top order. For those who are in the transport industry and are aspiring to become a transport manager, it is helpful to know exactly what skills you need for the job and also gain a good understanding of the roles and responsibilities you will need to undertake.

In this blog we are going to talk about those skills, roles and responsibilities, and talk in-depth about what it is you need to be able to do to become a successful transport manager. If you would like further information about the transport managers at Flagship, you can visit our Transport Managers in Peterborough page.


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If you would like to become a transport manager, there are certain qualifications and educational knowledge you need. Having a good understanding of mathematics is key, as well as having a good level of knowledge in engineering, science and technology. 

Earning a transport manager role usually requires you to obtain a university degree. Some of the university courses that are mostly relevant include engineering, business management, town planning, civil engineering, logistics and environmental studies. 

Work Experience

Image of a fleet of trucks

Perhaps the most important thing you can do to put yourself in the best position possible to gain a transport manager role is to gain real work experience. In practical professions across industries such as transport and construction, work experience is absolutely essential. 

Whether this be spending time shadowing existing transport managers or even managing to be around the same working space in any capacity, future employers are far more likely to consider you for the role if you have some work experience on your CV.

Key Skills

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There are a few key skills that you will need to possess in addition to your qualifications and work experience, if you are to become a transport manager. As the job can vary a lot day to day, it is important to be able to adapt and keep calm in potentially stressful situations. 

Being able to think analytically and having good problem solving skills will make life as a transport manager much easier. Many workers will be coming to you for answers on a wide variety of topics, so being able to keep a cool head, answering any queries quickly and firmly, will go a long way whilst working in this position.

Roles and Responsibilities

Image of fleet of trucks

If you are working in the position of a transport manager, there is a broad range of roles and responsibilities you will have to take on. You will be in charge of inspecting your fleet and ensuring that all of the vehicles under your watch are adequately maintained. If, after completing your inspection of the vehicles, you notice some issues, it is then the transport manager’s job to ensure that all necessary repairs are carried out.

As transport managers are responsible for the employees who are working underneath them, it is their job to make sure that all drivers possess the correct qualifications for the job. This is very important because if an unqualified driver makes a mistake or is involved in an accident, then the transport manager will face consequences for allowing it to happen by not completing the proper checks.

When vehicles are being loaded and ready to be moved to their desired destination, the transport manager will be required to keep track of the cargo and the amount being carried in each vehicle. This is largely to make sure that none of the trucks are overloaded before they set off. Driving an overloaded truck is very dangerous for the driver and other road users because they have an increased risk of rolling over and their brakes are less effective. Additionally, overloading can put too much of a strain on vehicle mechanisms, which can lead to mechanical faults happening more often.

Transport managers have the responsibility of ensuring that team members are organised and are keeping to a tight schedule. Timing is very important in the transport industry, with various companies and organisations needing their supplies delivered within a specific timescale. Being able to accurately and efficiently send goods to their intended recipient takes a good amount of planning, which is why possessing timekeeping and organisational skills is so important for the role.

In a similar vein, transport managers are also tasked with regularly keeping accurate tachograph records. These records show driving time, speed and distance. It is important for transport managers to keep track of this information to ensure that employees are abiding by driver rules and regulations. If it is shown that a driver is breaking these regulations, then the transport manager will be able to use tachograph records to address the issue with the driver.

Contact Flagship Partners

We hope that this blog detailing the roles and responsibilities of a transport manager has been helpful in informing you about what is needed to be successful in the role. If you have any further queries, feel free to contact Flagship Partners by filling out our simple online contact form or by calling us on 03300 553643.

If you would like to know more about the courses we regularly provide, you can visit our Frequently Asked Questions page, where you can find plenty of training course information.