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First Aid Training – Answers to your FAQ’s

Flagship TrainingHealth & Safety

First Aid Training – Answers to your FAQ’s

By 19 April 2020June 10th, 2024No Comments

Flagship training. First aid and mental health in the workplace training providers

First Aid Training – FAQ’s Part 1

We love training people in First Aid.  We run a wide range of First Aid Training courses and find it so rewarding to help people like you, learn and improve your life saving skills.

We often get asked similar questions so to support your learning journey we wanted to write an article detailing some of your frequently asked questions.

Is it true when someone is having a heart attack telling them to cough will help?

No, however the belief for some is that coughing will help dislodge a clot in the heart.  We have no evidence to support that this will benefit people having a heart attack.  This is backed up in BHF website.  It is recommended if someone is having symptoms of a heart attack to call emergency services.

Most common symptoms of a heart attack are;

  • chest pain – a sensation of pressure, tightness or squeezing in the centre of your chest
  • pain in other parts of the body – it can feel as if the pain is travelling from your chest to your arms (usually the left arm is affected, but it can affect both arms), jaw, neck, back and tummy (abdomen)
  • feeling lightheaded or dizzy
  • sweating
  • shortness of breath
  • feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting)
  • an overwhelming sense of anxiety (similar to having a panic attack)
  • coughing or wheezing

Do you need training to use an AED/Defibrillator?

No you don’t need to have had training.  However all our First Aid Training courses include full practise and theory on AED/Defibrillator usage.  Although Defibrillators have been designed to be extremely easy to use.  Therefore we would encourage everyone to try using one if they are required to in a real life situation.  It could mean the difference between life and death in an emergency.

When giving someone CPR do you have to give them the ‘kiss of life’?

You don’t have to.  The most important part of CPR is the chest compressions.  In our First Aid Training sessions we will train you how to give mouth to mouth resuscitation techniques as well as proper chest compression technique too.  However in an emergency the most important element is a good quality chest compression.   The emergency situation may mean you are unable to give mouth to mouth, however this mustn’t deter life-saving CPR.

Do you break ribs when giving CPR?

Sometimes, ribs do fracture or break.

Unfortunately, ribs can fracture as the result of CPR chest compressions. While it isn’t the case all of the time, it can happen. According to the statistics, about 30% of those who survive CPR wake up with a cracked sternum and/or broken rib.

If a child is choking should you try to pull the object out?

Do not put your fingers into their mouth if you cannot see an object. You risk pushing any blockage further down or damaging the back of the throat, which could swell and cause further harm.

As a rule a blind finger sweep is not recommended for these reasons.  However, if you can clearly see an object in a baby’s mouth and you are able to pluck it out safely with your fingertips, you could do so.

What is the difference between angina and a heart attack?

Angina symptoms like chest tightness or discomfort are very similar to warning signs of a heart attack. The key difference between angina and a heart attack is that angina is the result of narrowed (rather than blocked) coronary arteries. This is why, unlike a heart attack, angina does not cause permanent heart damage.

Which First Aid Training Course is right for me?

It really depends on your job position or role or the level of risk and injury you are likely to face.  Your Health and Safety Risk Assessment should help you decide the right solution for you.  Or you could give us a call on 01733 396169.

We offer a 1 day Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) certificate, which is a Level 3 qualification.  The EFAW is perfect for people who work in low risk environments, or on their own and need to have a good level of knowledge.  They are then able to support themselves and others in an emergency.

We also offer a 3 day First Aid at Work (FAW) Qualification (we also do a 2 day blended requalification to requalify this certification after 3 years).  The 3 day FAW course is perfect for people who work in larger and higher risk businesses.  As well as businesses that come in to contact with more people and require fully qualified First Aiders.  Your Health and Safety Risk Assessment should advise if you need a First Aider and how many, as well as the qualification you require.

Our Blended FAW Requalification is the requalification of the FAW certificate after it expires after 3 years.  You are able to spend 1 day doing our online course followed by only 1 day in the classroom.  This is perfect for businesses as it supports their productivity and is great value.

Our Blended Paediatric First Aid is EYFS approved for childminders and nurseries.  Meeting all requirements for their workplace.  Again this blended qualification can be completed through an online course and 1 day in the classroom.  This is also an ideal solution for anyone who professionally cares for children in their work.

We also have other First Aid courses we can provide on request, including Basic First Aid L2 (half day) Paediatric First Aid L3 (1 day).

We have quite a client list are fully approved and accredited to deliver you quality First Aid training solutions.  Our client list includes international companies like McDonald’s, DFDS and Volvo.  As well as a huge range of quality local companies, schools and nurseries.  We are preferred partners for prestigious Health and Safety consultants as well as Teacher Training schools too. Our courses can be run at your workplace (in house) or via open courses at our Flagship Training Centre.

Still not sure if Flagship is right for you?  Why not check out our 5 star feedback here.

That is 7 of our most commonly asked questions during First Aid Training answered.  Stay tuned for further FAQ updates from us.