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Mental Health Misconceptions

Fortunately, mental health is being spoken about far more frequently in recent years, however, the topic is still relatively new to a lot of people. As a result, there are a lot of assumptions and misconceptions about mental illness that are not necessarily true, and there are plenty of facts that a large number of people are not aware of. The misconceptions mentioned below can be harmful to a number of reasons and can be the cause of the mistreatment of mental health sufferers. Because of this, it is important to create a discourse about the topic and straighten out any untruths.

In this blog, we are going to talk about some factors of mental illness where some of these assumptions and misconceptions come from. We will talk in detail about these points, with the aim of increasing your knowledge about this very important topic.

Only People Over A Certain Age Can Suffer From Mental Illness

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It is often thought that mental health problems have to develop over a long period of time, but in actual fact, young children can develop these issues just as easily. Mental illness can come about through a large number of biological, psychological and social factors, which can definitely affect someone of a young age. It is worth noting that there has been evidence of mental illness beginning before the age of fourteen.

It is important to understand that children can suffer just as much from mental health problems as adults. With this knowledge and understanding, it will mean that fewer young people with mental illness will be misdiagnosed and it will be less likely to have their struggles dismissed. This will then lead to more young people being comfortable with coming forward with their problems, allowing them to get the help they need as soon as possible.

You Need Training To Help Someone With A Mental Illness

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If you are inexperienced with being around someone who suffers from mental illness, you may feel like you’re at a loss and you are unable to help them out. In truth, there are many simple ways in which you can help out a friend, requiring zero training. Basic acts such as checking up on them regularly, reaching out and just letting them know that you are available if they need someone to talk to, are always things that can go a long way in helping someone out.

It is useful to have a good amount of patience when attempting to help or give advice to someone with a mental illness. It is also important to note that as much as having a friend be attentive and understanding can be extremely helpful, both parties should be aware of when professional, medical help is required. Lending an ear to someone struggling with mental health and making sure that they know they’re not alone can give them a confidence boost, making them feel easier about seeking professional help.

Mental Health Problems Are Severe And Permanent

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Perhaps this is due to the media forms such as television or films dramatising what mental illness is and its effects on people, but there is a prevalent idea that if you suffer from a mental health problem, then it will cripple your life and it is irreversible. What people are not aware of is that a huge number of people have some level of mental illness, yet it does not dominate their lives at all. Mental illness is a very broad spectrum and it’s not always the case that once you are diagnosed with one, that you can never escape it.

Every day more knowledge is being gained and better treatments are being discovered. Just like when you break a bone, after enough time and with the correct, most appropriate treatment, it is definitely possible to make a recovery.

Mental Illness Links To Violence

Mental health

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma attached to those who suffer from a mental illness that suggests that they are more likely to be violent or pose a threat – this is not true at all. Studies have shown that only 7.5 per cent of crimes are linked to some sort of mental disorder and they are actually more likely to be a victim of a crime rather than committing the offence themselves.

It is stigmas like this that are a big reason why mental illness has been a taboo topic of conversation for far too long. An increased understanding of mental illnesses means that these kinds of misconceptions are becoming less common but they definitely still exist. The sooner these harmful assumptions about those who suffer from mental illnesses are cancelled out, the sooner we can all ensure that sufferers can get the help they need.

Flagship Partners

At Flagship Partners, we offer a wide variety of mental health-related courses and training. Not only do we offer mental health classroom sessions, we also provide courses and classes relating to physical health as well. If you would like to find out more information, you can visit our Health and Social Care, Mental Health, and Health and Safety pages. 

If you would like to enquire about any of the courses we have on offer, you can get in contact with us to check our schedule and availability. You can get in touch with us by filling out our online contact form, or by calling us on 03300 553643.