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How HGV Drivers Stay Healthy on the Road

HGV drivers have a difficult job than can be taxing, having to drive for long periods of time. As a result of having to complete long driving shifts, it can be difficult for drivers to find ways of staying fit and healthy. However, instead of resigning drivers to an unhealthy lifestyle, there are a number of highly effective methods that drivers can use to remain in good shape.

In this blog, we are going to be detailing some of the best ways that drivers can ensure that they remain fit and healthy, even if they are completing long driving shits. So, without further ado, let’s begin the discussion. 

Keep Healthy Eating Habits

Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best ways that an HGV driver can stay in shape. When you’re on the road it is all too easy to head toward drive-throughs and unhealthy takeaway restaurants. Taking the time to prepare meals in advance will not only mean that you are consuming healthier foods, but you are also saving a lot of money along the way.

It is also important that you are not skipping meals. Ensuring that you are consistently eating breakfast, lunch and dinner means that you are less likely to snack. Setting aside certain times of the day to eat also means that you won’t feel the need to overeat at irregular intervals throughout the day. 

Get Plenty of Rest

With a destination to reach and a deadline to beat, HGV can get into the habit of spending longer on the roads than necessary, leading to a lack of rest. It is important that HGV drivers rest regularly and make the most of those breaks. It is recommended that drivers take 45 minutes breaks for every 9 hours of driving time. 

Not only will plenty of rest give your brain a chance to recharge, heightening focus, and avoiding any chance of falling asleep behind the wheel. Drivers should try their best to keep to a good sleeping pattern, achieving 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Fatigue and tiredness can be extremely dangerous for HGV drivers and other road users, so this should be avoided at all costs.

Staying Active

The NHS recommends that everyone should be completing at least 150 minutes of exercise each week, and drivers are no exception. Across a week that is just over 20 minutes a day, which should be easily achievable for every driver. It doesn’t matter whether those 20 minutes are spent walking, jogging or weight training, it will all help to keep drivers healthy. 

There are also plenty of ways you can exercise and keep active even while driving. Simple shoulder shrugs, ab crunches and joint stretching can keep your body mobile and active, even if you’re having to drive hours at a time. 

Keep on Top of Mental Health

When talking about health and fitness, it can be really easy to get caught up in physical improvement, but taking care of mental health is just as important. Driving HGVs can be taxing and sometimes monotonous, so it is important to keep your mind active and stimulated. A great way of doing this is by listening to music, audiobooks or podcasts. 

If you are spending hours and sometimes days away from home it can be easy to feel lonely and isolated, which can take its toll on drivers’ mental health. This can be combatted by taking time to call family and friends throughout your trip, of course using a hands-free set-up to avoid breaking the law and endangering yourself and other road users. 

Contact Flagship Partners

Flagship Partners provides its customers with a broad range of transport-related services, from transport management to driver CPC training, from transport compliance to health and safety, Flagship has you covered.

If you are interested in any of the services or training that Flagship has to offer, please feel free to get in touch with us and a member of our staff will be happy to help you. 

You can get in touch with us by filling out our online contact form or by giving us a call on 03300 553643.