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Flagship launch huge range of Online Courses

Flagship launch range of Online Courses

We are delighted to announce we have recently launched a huge range of online courses and elearnings.  We have worked to produce over 100 quality, approved and accredited online courses. 

All Flagships online courses have the relevant approval and have been CPD accredited too!

Our online courses range in subject matter so we are sure we have exactly the online course to meet your training needs.

The online courses and elearnings are organised into 3 key Topic Areas.

  1. Health and Safety Training; this includes training such as COSHH, Lone Working, Behavioural Safety, Fire Safety, Fire Marshal.  In this section you will also find all our Food Safety Certificate trainings too.  There are over 40 courses in total.  These courses are perfect to implement as part of your new starter induction process.  They are also great for ongoing CPD and training refreshers too.  The elearnings and online courses are a perfect solution for training in many sectors.  Including Hospitality, Restaurant and Bars, Construction and Transport.
  2. Health and Social Care Training; this section has a wide array of almost 30 courses.  The online training covers a wide range of topics from Safeguarding Adults and Children, through to Understanding the Mental Capacity Act.  There is also Mental Health Awareness, Infection Control and Dementia Awareness to name just a few.  These online courses and elearnings are perfectly suited to anyone working in schools, nurseries, care homes or in the social care sector.  Again the training can be used as part of an induction process or for ongoing competence and professional development too.
  3. Business Skills Training; our Business Skills Online training and elearning section has almost 30 courses in a wide range of subjects too.  Everything from Human Resources mandatory training including Equality and Diversity and Discrimination, Managing Sickness and Absence and Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace.  There are also courses perfect for emerging leaders and management development including Intro to Emotional Intelligence, Developing Teamwork and the Principles of Performance Management.  There are sales skills online courses too, including, Sales Skills, Social Media for Business, and Presentation Skills too.  These courses are perfect for ongoing competence development and for new starters or recently promoted staff too.

All the courses are trained in an engaging video format, involving a trainer, animation, reading, plus quizzes and multiple choice questions.  At the end of the courses there are tests to ensure learning has taken place.  The courses are a great opportunity to implement an ongoing CPD training process into your business.  If you are a small employer you can purchase one online course at a time on an adhoc basis as you need them.  We are also happy to support larger employers who can buy multiple licenses at a time and receive their own administration function to allocate courses to individuals as required.  Our courses are perfect as your own internal Learning Management System (LMS).  So why not get in touch today for a free trial and to find out more?

If the course you are looking for is not listed, why not get in touch with us and we can help get the courses registered and approved too.  You can find our full range of courses on the ‘Courses’ page on our Flagship Training Website.  If you would like more information please do not hesitate to get in touch on 01733 396169 or email,