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First Aid Training provider supports Peterborough Beats Together

On Saturday 28th September, Flagship Training’s Peter Rushmer and Maggie Rushmer attended the very first ‘Peterborough Beats Together’ event. It was organised by Iona McAllister of the North West Anglia NHS Trust. Flagship were there representing our quality Mental Health, First Aid Training solutions based in Peterborough.

Peterborough Hospital cardiac services hosted the large charity event to raise money for new diagnostic equipment for cardiology services at North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust and to raise the profile of preventing heart disease and heart failure in Peterborough.

Peterborough is ranked 122 out of 150 areas nationally for premature deaths from heart disease, 90% of which are caused by preventable risk factors.

The Peterborough Beats Together event took place at Ferry Meadows country park. During the event organisers, stall holders and guests attempted a world record for the largest human medication pill. Other activities were the local parkrun and stalls from local health services and heart charities. It was a fun, family friendly day which was really positive for the local community and surrounding areas.

Representatives from local media attended, with coverage in the Peterborough Telegraph, BBC News East Anglia and ITV News Anglia too! We watched the television that evening amd the coverage was from both ITV News Anglia and BBC Look East was superb.

Flagship Training were delighted to provide support for the event along with our friends at Gemma’s Hearts. We were on hand to discuss our Peterborough based, Mental Health, First Aid Training, Mental Health in the Workplace Training, Paediatric First Aid Training as well as First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work.

Gemma’s Hearts held a Teddy Bear Tombola, with funds raised helping towards their commitment to providing First Aid and defibrillators in the Peterborough Community as well as raising funds for new installations of defibrillators and maintaining defibrillators already in the community too.

It was a rather windy day however the rain held off which was fantastic. However, the gazebo did nearly blow away! The children thoroughly enjoyed getting on camera, as well as getting to have fun with all the sporting activities that were available. They got to try rowing on the rowing machines, provided by Vivacity. They got to do some painting too. They also were involved in the world record attempt. As well as managing to find time to practise their CPR skills. Maggie was busy teaching the other children CPR techniques as well as Dr ABC. First Aid skills are important life skills and can make a huge difference to people’s confidence in handling an emergency First Aid situation. Their training can be invaluable in those precious minutes until an Ambulance and Paramedics arrive.
Gemma Wells and Sally Howell were representing Gemma’s Hearts, community based charitable cause from Yaxley, Peterborough. Organised the Teddy Bear tombola and were on hand to discuss how important it is to have AED’s (defibrillators) in our Peterborough community that are easily accessible for First Aid situations.
What a success Peterborough Beats Together was and we look forward to hopefully receiving an invite to next year’s event.