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Change your CPC provider, change your results

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A CPC Provider That Works

Insanity; defined by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Change your CPC provider to Flagship Training and we can work together to change your results.

Like it or not Driver CPC is here to stay. Flagship Trucks Ltd and our CPC training provider Flagship Training, have developed our NEW course Interpersonal Excellence and Customer Service for Drivers (the course is developed by us, unique to us, and you will not receive this anywhere else).  We also offer Emergency First Aid as part of our CPC offering too.  Flagship Training ensure that our CPC courses deliver real value and knowledge to drivers.  The good news doesn’t stop there. Our courses are a fantastic investment for Operators and Transport businesses too.  Flagship Training really focus on developing the driver skill set.

CPC Courses with a Difference

We hear regularly that drivers are fed up of CPC Training covering repetitive, tedious training. Focusing on functional skills that are completed regularly day in and day out.  Sometimes being trained by trainers less experienced.  With Flagship Training your CPC training experience will be different.  We focus on the results you will get and the positive outcomes we help you create.

Our courses are developed and delivered with the driver as the priority.  The difference between training and development is key.  Whilst Training teaches a specific skill.  We focus on developing, which will improve performance in the driving role.  Preventing drivers feeling fed up and frustrated with CPC Training.  We understand it is extremely frustrating to spend a whole day, often at your own expense and in your own time to cover skills and knowledge that are already second nature.

Learn With Flagship Training UK

Why not invest in yourself or your team? Give our training team a call and discuss how we can help you and your business, improve your results through the training and development opportunity of Driver CPC. Call 07725 749172 or email us on
